What causes mental health issues? (No, it’s not stress always)

Lifestyle factors, including diet, exercise, sleep patterns, and substance use, influence mental health outcomes and overall well-being. Poor dietary habits, such as excessive consumption of processed foods or sugary drinks, can contribute to inflammation, oxidative stress and imbalances in the gut microbiota, which are linked to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Regular physical activity, on the other hand, stimulates the release of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters associated with improving mood and reducing stress levels. Adequate sleep is essential for cognitive function, emotional regulation and stress management, and sleep disturbances increase the risk of mental health problems. Substance use, including alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs, can worsen the symptoms of mental illness and interfere with the effectiveness of treatment, highlighting the importance of healthy lifestyle choices in maintaining mental well-being.

Categories: Trending
Source: newstars.edu.vn

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