Top 10 Hardest Riddles In The World With Answers, What Are The Hardest Riddles In The World?

Top 10 Hardest Riddles in the World with Answers Riddles are statements and questions or phrases with underlying meanings that are posed as riddles. If you are interested in the 10 hardest puzzles in the world with answers, here are the answers in this article. Scroll down and see the 10 hardest puzzles in the world with answers here. Stay tuned to our NEWSTARS Education website for curated Top 10 lists in various categories. From the latest movies to modern fashion, we bring you the most exciting and interesting moments.


Riddles are statements, questions or phrases that are presented as riddles and have hidden meanings. They are a fun way to test your intellect and mind. Enigmas and riddles are two basic types of puzzles. Let’s learn a little more about the different types before we move on to the top ten hardest puzzles in the world. The puzzles come in different levels of difficulty, from easy to hard. They can be a great way to exercise your brain because solving them requires a lot of lateral thinking and reasoning.

Top 10 hardest puzzles in the world with answers

1. I was taken out of the mine and locked in a wooden box from which I am never let out, and yet almost everyone uses me. What am I?

Answer: A pencil.

2. I hear without ears and speak without a mouth. I have no one, but I revive with the wind. What am I?

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Answer: Yeka

3. The more you take, the more you leave behind. “What am I?”

Answer: Steps.

4. What has a head and a tail, is brown and has no legs?

Answer: Penny.

5. Which English word contains three sets of double letters consecutively?

Answer: Bookkeeper

6. I bend, but I never break. What am I?

Answer: Light.

7. First you eat me, then they eat you. What am I?

Answer: Hook.

8. I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

Answer: Map.

9. I’m getting shorter as I get older. What am I?

Answer: Candle.

10. What disappears as soon as you say a name?

Answer: Silence

Types of puzzles

Here are a few different types of puzzles that people can create.

  • Enigmas: Riddles that use allegorical or metaphorical devices are known as enigmas. The solver must use creative thinking and critical thinking skills to find the solution to these puzzles. These are riddles written in language that is metaphorical or allegorical. Solving the enigma requires creativity and careful thought.

Example: I can heal and kill without touching you. What am I?

Answer: Time.

  • Riddles: A riddle is a puzzle that works best if word games are used to solve it. These are riddles where the question or answer contains a play on words.

Example: What kind of wood can you carry in your hand?

Answer: Palm tree

Puzzle functions

Riddles often entertain the audience by posing difficult problems to solve, but they also serve other purposes. They could, for example, make room for a deeper consideration of the topic or for the emergence of additional queries. When riddles are used in such situations, rather than requiring a cursory reading, they force the reader to critically consider a range of options.

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