Morgan Olivia Rose Bio, Now, James Kurisunkal, Partner

Morgan Olivia Rose, formerly known as James Kurisunkal, is a real-life Gossip Girl who ran a celebrity blog. However, she left this life far behind, thanks to the dark social culture of the 2000s.

Continue reading this biography of Morgan Olivia Rose to know more about her.

Meet Morgan Olivia Rose (formerly: James Kurisunkal) of Park Avenue gentry

Morgan Olivia Rose started her Park Avenue Peerage blog anonymously while living as James Kurisunkal and a freshman at the University of Illinois in 2007. In short, her blog was a collection of party photos, social news, and the occasional family histories compiled mainly so he released wedding and death announcements.

According to Morgan, his blog received an average of 8,000 page views each day of the week. “I never post anything rude or mean,” she said, “Why put people in a vulnerable position on purpose? What is the purpose?”

However, the site blew up only after Morgan’s identity was revealed. She then went on to work as a paid summer intern for New York magazine while still studying English or sociology at the University of Illinois. Unfortunately, her industry wasn’t so kind to her: she was chewed up and spit out at the University of Illinois, where she fell into drug addiction and deep depression.

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“I’m no longer fascinated by this world,” he wrote in a final blog post. “I’m not impressed. In fact, I’m depressed.”

That was the end of the Park Avenue gentry.

Morgan Olivia Rose on Hulu’s Queenmaker: How an It Girl Was Made

Morgan Olivia Rose is the star of the new Hulu documentary, Queenmaker: The Making of an It Girl. The series follows Morgana’s life story as a blogger, how she connected with celebrities, the dark side of 2000s social culture, and how she emerged from the absurdity of herself to become someone else.

As an ordinary blogger, Morgan became a major figure in New York high society in the 2000s thanks to the discovery of her identity. “At the time, New York felt very advanced, and it was a crazy, over-the-top world,” she recalled. “All those photographers, I just remember thinking, ‘I want to be a part of this. This looks great.’”

She even claimed that she “invented the Hilton sisters,” explaining, “Well, I taught them to pose. People understand the power of an image.”

In addition, several photographers, gossip bloggers and publicists participated in the documentary, including the famous publicist R. Couri Hay. “When I met Tinsley Mortimer, we were at a party,” he recalled, before recounting how he helped her become an “It Girl.”

What is Morgan Olivia Rose doing now?

Morgan Olivia Rose is now making ends meet as a sex worker. This was definitely not the ending viewers were hoping for, but Queenmaker skillfully and tastefully delivers the news at the end.

The director, Zackary Drucker, also a trans woman, also steps in and offers support to Rose as she shares her story. He even puts Rose back in touch with her close friend Tinsley Mortimer, whom he hasn’t spoken to since she was a very, very different person.

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In the past, Rose and Tinsley often met at celebrity events to do interviews and attend parties. “There was no separation, which meant that this glamorous world and I was almost like a secret society that was very public,” Morgan revealed.

In addition to using her body, Morgan also worked as a consultant at Social Impact Capital, a company that invests in businesses that provide the top decile of return. “We are early-stage investors in ‘best impact ideas,’ typically the first $2 million in equity,” she stated.

Across two funds, Social Impact Capital reportedly had an 89% follow-up rate from top companies and an overall follow-up rate of 100%.

morgan olivia rose age

Morgan Olivia Rose was 34 years old in 2023.

However, she was a year younger when she filmed Queenmaker: The Making of an It Girl.

morgan’s couple olivia rose

Morgan Olivia Rose does not appear to have had a partner, which may be a drawback of her profession. But we know that she likes men or trans men.

Formerly known as James Kurisunkal, marked male at birth, Morgan first revealed his transition via an FB story, “The cat is out of the bag! Or should I say, I’m finally free to be me.” He then talked about how he lived with “constant pain, restlessness and disgust, to the point where suicide was a daily desire” to live in his own skin as someone else. ..

But now that he’s older, he sees that there are two different people. “One was James and the other was me,” he says in the documentary.

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Is Morgan Olivia Rose on Instagram?

Find Morgan on Instagram @mmorgan.rrose.

Also here is her Facebook @morganoliviarose and Twitter @mmorganrosis.

Related FAQ

  • Where is Morgan Olivia Rose from?

Morgan was raised in Chicago, Illinois by Indian-born parents. His father was a public library employee and his mother was a nurse. Also, he has two brothers who are 10 and 15 years older than her.

“My family doesn’t know a lot about what I do, because I never really share it with them,” she said. “It seems like I’m talking about taking drugs or something.”

Now, as of 2023, he lives in Beverly Hills, CA.

  • When is Morgan Olivia Rose’s birthday?

Morgan gets his birthday cards in April. This makes her an Aries or Taurus zodiac sign.

Categories: Biography

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