How to breed armadillos in Minecraft

Minecraft has added tons of new mobs to the game over the years, both friendly and hostile. These include things like friendly cats and birds, to more obscure critters like bees and axolotls. However, every animal has a purpose, including the armadillo. These curious little creatures are timid and cannot be tamed like ordinary pets, but they provide a very useful resource. If you manage to catch a pair, you’ll want to breed them to get as many as possible, but what does an armadillo even eat? It took us a while to figure it out, but we’re going to share with you the secret to raising armadillos.


How to raise armadillos

Almost every animal in Minecraft it has food that you can feed it to tame it or encourage it to mate with another of the same animal. This is what it takes to raise an armadillo.

Step 1: Find the armadillo. These desert creatures are most often found in the savannah biomes, so start your quest there.

Step 2: When you spot him, crouch-walk when you get close to him. If you run towards them too fast, you will scare them.

Step 3: Hold the spider’s eye in your hand to lead the armadillo into a pen with at least one other.

Step 4: Feed your armadillo spider eyes to see hearts sprout from them to show they are about to breed.

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