Christmas Quiz: Only a genius can spot the difference

Our eyes are capable of many tricks. Occasionally we can catch a glimpse of something or someone who isn’t really there. We call this phenomenon optical illusions. Your brain can be tricked by these illusions into believing things that aren’t necessarily true. This happens as a result of the fact that things like strange shapes or colors can fool us because our eyes and brain don’t always interpret the world correctly. Are you ready for a holiday mental workout? Explore this fascinating picture puzzle that is difficult for even the most experienced puzzlers. Accept the challenge and find a cozy place by the fire! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to identify five differences in these wonderful festive scenes. Can you do it in less than ten seconds? The clock is ticking!

Image: The Sun UK

The pictures show a cozy room ready for Christmas, complete with a crackling fire in the corner. Despite the apparent similarities, there are 5 subtle differences waiting to be noticed. To master this visual quest, examine each ornament individually. Pay attention to textures and colors and let your keen eye do the detective work. Here’s a tip: Keep practicing these tricky tasks. Brain teasers will boost your cognitive abilities and also help you focus by concentrating on one task at a time. Your time is ticking, you only have 12 seconds to complete this task. Your time starts now. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, all the way up! Now, let’s unravel the mystery. The answers lie in the details of the candlesticks, fire figures, socks, baubles and wreaths.decide (1)

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Image: The Sun UK

As the differences are revealed below, get ready for more optical illusions to challenge and entertain your visual senses. It’s not just a game; that’s a way to achieve 20/20 vision in less than 12 seconds. Get ready to see the world in a whole new light!

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