Brain Teaser: Only people with 20/20 vision can find all the 11 objects |

Seeing clearly through the rain can be difficult, but if you have 20/20 vision, you’re up for the challenge! Among the seven people holding umbrellas in the storm scene are 11 hidden objects waiting to be found. Don’t let a little rain get in your way! Sharpen your senses and spot all 11 hidden objects in just half a minute to win the victory for perfect vision.

Image: Canva

While a spotted dog on a leash is easy to spot, you’ll have to look harder to find a bucket of water, a mushroom, a squirrel, and even a pumpkin. Keep your eyes open for a cup of tea, a rain cloud with showers, a basket, an apple, a bunch of grapes, a frog and another hidden umbrella. While most umbrellas are easy to spot, one fits seamlessly into the back of a blue-striped women’s umbrella. She stands out, walking in the opposite direction from everyone else. As time goes by, don’t miss the mushroom tucked into the blue beret on top of the brunette’s head. And there’s more! Look closely and you’ll spot a red teacup with white polka dots on top of her skirt, which blends right in with the pattern. The surprises don’t end there! The man in the blue coat has something unusual in his pocket – a watering can from which drops of water come out. Scan back to the left side and you’ll see a boy with a squirrel hiding under his yellow shirt. Nearby is a rain cloud, and on the right a woman in a green jacket holds a yellow umbrella. But don’t be fooled; a grape is sticking out of her sweater. Keep looking! On the other hand, a girl with a cat umbrella hides a pumpkin stem at the bottom of her orange sweater. If you haven’t hit the 30 second mark yet, you only have a few more things to do! The answer key reveals all the objects hiding in the most unlikely places.optical (50)

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Image: Canva

Advantages of brain teasers and optical illusions

Brain teasers and optical illusions aren’t just fun; they also show us how our brain interprets visual data. Regularly challenging your brain improves your focus and observation skills. It is suggested that people who regularly engage in optical illusions and puzzles see significant improvements in problem-solving skills, concentration and attention. Improved concentration and attention span can also help prevent cognitive decline in old age. Optical illusions can even help improve your eyesight by training you to see small details more clearly. So don’t let a little storm stop you! Challenge yourself to find all the hidden objects and enjoy the benefits of exercising your brain. Optical illusion can be a real test of your visual acuity and cognitive abilities due to the level of difficulty of the image.

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